Think you need help?

Stephen Rowan, clinical director of the Rutland Centre in Dublin says: "You need to begin by going to your GP and discussing …

Stephen Rowan, clinical director of the Rutland Centre in Dublin says: "You need to begin by going to your GP and discussing your situation truthfully.

GPs have heard it all. They may give strong advice but they certainly won't condemn. Once you have talked about it, your GP will be able to outline what you should do.

"You may be referred to an addiction specialist. It may not be clear whether you have a definite addiction so the specialist will be able to determine that. You will then get the best feedback and advice on how to deal with your specific problem."

The website that Suzie stumbled across is called


Another excellent website for people who are addicted to over-the-counter medication is This is the website of the Over-Count organisation which provides support and raises awareness for people addicted to over-the-counter medications.