Other health stories in brief
UCC lecture on exposure to chemicals
What do we know about the long-term effects of exposure to dangerous chemicals?
This is the question that Prof James Heffron from the Department of Biochemistry at UCC will address in his talk tomorrow at 8pm in the Boole Theatre, UCC. Prof Heffron will look at low-level exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals, drugs and pollutants. The lectures will be filmed and posted on understandingscience.ucc.ie.
Endometriosis information event
The Endometriosis Association of Ireland is holding a public information afternoon on Saturday from 2pm in Kerdiffstown House (St Vincent de Paul Holiday Centre), Johnstown, Naas, Co Kildare. The event will include talks on conventional and complementary therapies and appropriate exercises. See endo.ie or tel: 01-8735702 for more details.
Support meetings and conferences
Always on my mind: Caring for a person with a neurological condition is the theme of a conference for family carers and service providers on Tuesday next in the Radisson Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8. Meanwhile, the Irish Chronic Pain Association is holding a support meeting on Sunday at 2pm in Ely House, Ely Place, Dublin 2. Cara Chotner from Yoga Therapy Ireland will demonstrate techniques useful in the management of chronic pain. See chronicpainireland.org.
Book of medicines available here
Irish Medicines Formulary (IMF), the evidence-based book of information for prescription medicines marketed in the Republic, has just published its 5th Edition.
It claims to be the only non-promotional, comprehensive and Irish-specific reference for medicines available in Ireland. See formulary.ie or contact the publisher, Meridian Ireland, on tel: 01-8390073.
Rediscovering the gospel
The Irish Council for Christian Meditation is holding a conference entitled Rediscovering the Contemplative Heart of the Gospel on March 14th in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin. The conference will be led by Benedictine monk Father Laurence Freeman, director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Tel: 0404-69749 and see wccmireland.org.