Gardaí warn of hazardous material

Gardaí in Wexford have asked people to be aware of hazardous stolen goods that may be in the area.

Gardaí in Wexford have asked people to be aware of hazardous stolen goods that may be in the area.

A quantity of small cylinders containing the dangerous ingredients were stolen in an overnight burglary at Castlebridge, Co Wexford.

The cylinders measure three inches by two inches and are marked by the words "Atellic Smoke Generator No. 20". They contain a dangerous insecticide, which is highly flammable.

Gardaí are concerned that the cylinders, 60 of which were stolen, could be mistaken for smoke bombs.


Anybody who finds these items should contact the emergency services immediately.

Gardaí have also appealed for anybody with information on the burglary to contact them in Wexford at 053-9165200 or on the Garda Confidential Line 1800-666111.