Executive agrees on proposals during possible final meeting

The Northern Ireland Executive has agreed proposals for negotiations with the European Commission on the future structural funds…

The Northern Ireland Executive has agreed proposals for negotiations with the European Commission on the future structural funds programme for 2000-2006 and the Peace Programme.

In what was possibly its last meeting, the Executive yesterday decided that further consultation would take place with the social partners about the proposals.

It also agreed to make the Minister of Health, Ms Bairbre de Brun, head of the drug strategy.

She will take the leading role on behalf of the Stormont administration and will co-operate with other ministers in overseeing the work of the central co-ordinating committee.


However, it is understood she will not have to engage in face-to-face meetings with the RUC.

The Executive agreed proposals for two new bills to be brought forward to the Assembly, the Trustee Amendment Bill and the Deregulation (Weights and Measures) Bill.

It decided that the Bill on Freedom of Information currently before the British parliament should be extended to cover public bodies in the North.

However, it also decided that further consultation should take place on bringing forward more extensive legislation for the North in the future. Speaking after the meeting, the Deputy First Minister, Mr Seamus Mallon, expressed disappointment that at a time when the Executive and the Assembly were performing efficiently, they were facing suspension.

The next Executive meeting is planned for Tuesday. "I hope we will still be here next week, reporting on the deliberations of the Executive," Mr Mallon said. He expressed hope that a last minute deal could be reached to break the political stalemate.