Eurotunnel issues writ seeking closure of Calais refugee camp

Eurotunnel yesterday demanded the French authorities close a refugee camp near its Calais terminal, which it says is used as …

Eurotunnel yesterday demanded the French authorities close a refugee camp near its Calais terminal, which it says is used as a base for illegal immigrants entering Britain.

The Channel Tunnel operator issued a writ in Lille insisting asylum-seekers used the camp at La Coquelle, near Sangatte, to plan their journey to Britain.

Eurotunnel says up to 400 people from the camp, which is run by the International Red Cross, trespass on its property every night in an attempt to board freight trains running through the Channel Tunnel and it blames the French authorities for failing to safeguard security at the terminal.

The shadow home secretary, Ms Ann Widdecombe, and the former home secretary, Mr Michael Howard, who is MP for Folkestone, said they supported Eurotunnel's decision.


An increasing number of asylum-seekers gathering in northern France risk their lives stowing away on freight trains and passenger trains bound for Britain and in recent months several people have been killed attempting to make the journey.

In an attempt to stop illegal immigrants, Eurotunnel has spent £3 million on improving security measures at the Calais terminal. Yesterday's decision comes as it seeks a judicial review in Britain of an extension of the £2,000 per person penalty scheme for transport companies discovered - unknowingly or otherwise - facilitating the entry of illegal immigrants.

A spokeswoman for the Home Office said yesterday closure of the camp would not solve the problem of illegal immigrants "as those determined to reach the UK will still gather in Calais regardless".

The Home Office said it had asked the French authorities to treat the people at the camp as illegal immigrants and process them for removal.