Moore Street developer given six months to make changes to plans

Council wants Hammerson to reduce height of scheme and not to demolish number 38

An image of the proposed new development for Moore Street including a planned archway, which Dublin City Council wants replaced with a ‘more restrained opening’. Illustration: Hammerson

The UK property firm behind the redevelopment of the 5.5-acre plot between O'Connell Street and Moore Street has been given six months by Dublin City Council to revise its plans for the site.

The council is opposing the demolition of buildings on Henry Street, and is seeking reductions to the height of the development. It also wants a proposed archway on Moore Street to be replaced with a “more restrained opening”.

Hammerson is seeking permission for a mixed retail, office and residential scheme on the large north inner city block formerly known as the Carlton site, parts of which have lain vacant and derelict for more than 40 years.

The site, which stretches west from O’Connell Street to Moore Street, and north from Henry Street to Parnell Street, is to be developed under six separate planning applications.


The first three applications, which focus on Moore Street and Henry Street and include residential, hotel, retail, restaurant and cafe and cultural uses, were lodged with Dublin City Council last month.

The council has sought revisions to all three applications. At the southern end of the site Hammerson proposes a replacement building for number 41 Henry Street, while number 38 would be demolished for a passageway into the site.

The council said it was “concerned regarding the architectural quality of the proposed replacement structure to number 41 Henry Street and considers that the replacement building is not of exceptional quality so as to justify its demolition”.


The Department of Housing had made a submission to the council opposing the demolition of number 38 Henry Street, saying it was “unnecessary”. The council has asked Hammerson to consider a revised proposal that provides laneway access from number 38 at ground level only.

The council said it accepts the principle of creating an opening into the site on Moore Street, but is concerned about the design of the proposed redbrick archway.

“The applicant is requested to consider a more restrained opening which is more in keeping with the surrounding streetscape and the existing buildings on the site.”

A nine-storey block should be reduced to “respect the scale and context of the historic area and in particular the vista of O’Connell Street from Cathedral Street”.

In relation to one of the three applications, Hammerson had sought up to 15 years to begin construction. “The provision of the 15-year planning consent is not considered to be acceptable and cannot be supported,” the council said.

Hammerson said it would “continue to work closely with Dublin City Council and key stakeholders and look forward to submitting detailed supplementary information alongside two further applications in the coming months as part of this process”.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times