What students are saying online about the exams
Cats and an angry woman on a train . . . That's the leaving cert for you. purplebenny, Twitter
3 mary medals, 3 prayers, straw from the xmas crib (???), like 100 candles lighted for me rosary beads. Sorted. Automatic A1. SarahDozy, Twitter
Theme was very odd. Was expecting something along the lines of motivation/hope . . . The comprehension on cats, I did with a struggle, but overall was happy with my diary entry and essay. Honestly it could go anyway marking wise for me... peckingduck, boards.ie
I thought it was a very good paper to be honest! Done Part A of the first comprehension about the crazy cat lady and Part B on the enduring appeal of mysterious in books and films. Tough choices for the composing section but luckily i could work in my learned off short story. Overall very pleased for my first exam. Bring on Dickinson! FreshTillDeath, boards.ie
Really hope the person correcting my English isn't a Futurama fan. My essay was the first episode _JamesGibson_, Twitter
Praying for Dickinson, Boland and Wordsworth, especially Dickinson. Really want her to come cos I know her the best . . . she's so easy. cocopopsxx, boards.ie
Putting all my eggs in the Dickinson basket . . . It's risky I know! sh__93, boards.ie
Fare thee well paper one notes. To the red basket I send thee. Thou hast served thine purpose gracefully MrPJelly, Twitter