The possibilities of a timetable for 'normalisation' in Northern Ireland.

The possibilities of a timetable for 'normalisation' in Northern Ireland.

Within the first eight months, in an enabling environment, the NIO, PSNI, British army would have achieved:

1. The vacation and closure of Forkhill base; the removal of Tower Romeo 12 in south Armagh; and dismantling of the super sangar (bunker) in Newtownhamilton. Work has already started and will be completed within six months.

2. The removal of the observation post at Divis Tower in Belfast and the two observation towers at Masonic in Derry. Work is beginning this week and will be completed within a six-month period.


3. The successive removal of two towers in south Armagh G10 (Creevekeeran); G20 (Drummuckavall).

Work will start within a few weeks and be completed within a six-month period; with the sites restored to greenfield status as soon as possible.

4. The publication of a structured plan for phased reduction in troops to peacetime levels.

5. Continuation of the review of the police estate with action taken as agreed with the Policing Board following consultation with district commanders and communities, including work to defortify 24 police stations.

Within the next 12 months, in an enabling environment, they would have achieved:

1. Further defortification of police stations. Progressive development of and extension of varying patrol patterns: e.g. single beat officers, bicycle patrols and opening of police shops.

2. The vacation and demolition of the remaining south Armagh towers. These sites, with the exception of a Blue Light communications site at Croslieve, would be returned to greenfield status as rapidly as possible.

3. Progressive withdrawal of soldiers from sites where they are co-located with police in Armagh (Crossmaglen, Newtownhamilton, Middletown) and in Fermanagh and Tyrone.

4. The removal of the military base within Maydown police station.

5. A reduction in troop numbers in line with the published plan.

6. The return of private property on vacated sites.

Within the final four months, in an enabling environment, they would have achieved:

1. Further implementation of the police estate review, as determined by the Policing Board.

2. Additional opportunities for the police to patrol without the use of armoured vehicles.

3. The vacation and demolition of the observation post at Rosemount in Derry.

4. The vacation, closure and disposal of all military sites to leave no more than 14 core sites.

5. The further reduction in army and other service levels, including the disbandment of the operational brigade headquarters, to a permanent military garrison of no more then 5,000.

The size of the longer-term garrison is likely to fluctuate in response to global demands on the army and its overall complement.

6. Repeal of counter-terrorist legislation particular to Northern Ireland.