Confessions of a Labour guru

Charlie McCreevy admitted in the Dail on Tuesday that he intends writing his memoirs

Charlie McCreevy admitted in the Dail on Tuesday that he intends writing his memoirs. Still dogged by the credit union fiasco, the Minister for Finance said he would be proved right on the issue and the full story would emerge.

He is not sure how big the credit unions will feature - but they'll be in the book when he's out of politics and gets down to the writing.

Meanwhile, the public has already had a delicious taste of just what former Labour party guru Fergus Finlay can produce, when the Sunday Times recently ran several chapters, covering the fall of the Reynolds/Spring government, of what may or may not be a forthcoming book.

If there is one, it will be called Snakes And Ladders which just about sums up the political life. "There have been a number of expressions of interest, but it needs more work. I have assembled a lot of material and I do not know what might emerge. They are not memoirs; I think of them more in terms of confessions," Finlay says.


Unlike McCreevy, Finlay will not be bound by the cabinet confidentiality law, since, despite what he might know, he wasn't at cabinet, but he will have to operate under the Official Secrets Act. For the moment he has his TV chat show with Frank Dunlop and is doing some journalism and management consultancy. "I'm not pushing myself too hard as I'm having a break; I'm working every day but five days instead of seven," he says.