Call for UK inquiry over handling of FMD crisis

The president of the UK's Country Land and Business Association is calling for an public inquiry into the British government'…

The president of the UK's Country Land and Business Association is calling for an public inquiry into the British government's handling of the foot-and-mouth crisis.

Anthony Bosanquet has criticised Maff for "an appalling lack of support, advice and information when all three were desperately needed".

Speaking at a meeting of rural businessmen from England and Wales in London, Mr Bosanquet told of his frustration during Taskforce meetings.

He said he was angered by the "quite predictable and infuriating problems" which have arisen from government attempts to put together a relief package for the rural economy.


Calling for an inquiry into how the crisis had been handled, Mr Bosanquet, who is a member of the British government's Rural Relief Taskforce, said: "I feel extremely strongly about this and I am quite prepared to say it all again when the government comes to review this dreadful situation.

"I have seen with my own eyes the terrible heartbreak and hardship which this dreadful scourge is inflicting."