Adams calls for immediate Dáil dissolution

SINN FÉ IN: SINN FÉIN president Gerry Adams said the Taoiseach Brian Cowen should immediately seek the dissolution of the Dáil…

SINN FÉ IN:SINN FÉIN president Gerry Adams said the Taoiseach Brian Cowen should immediately seek the dissolution of the Dáil in order to end the current instability.

In west Belfast yesterday, Mr Adams said the Greens were trying to make a virtue out of necessity and it was obvious that they had to quit the Government.

“It appears that there is to be a grubby deal between the establishment parties – Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Labour and the Greens – to get the Finance Bill through before the general election,” he added. “There is no popular support for the measures contained in this Bill which legislates for many of the cuts contained in last December’s Budget.”