Lisa Walsh

With shift working and a busy lifestyle, it may be impossible for Lisa to get perfect sleep

Dr John Faul is a respiratory physician and sleep specialist at the Hermitage Medical Clinic. During the Sleep Challenge he will be providing practical input on how people can improve their sleep.

Dr Faul comments: Well done trying to improve your sleep potential.  With shift working and a busy lifestyle, it will be impossible to get perfect sleep.  Already your routine is improved and allowing for shift, if you can keep your routine as fixed as possible, it will help your body and metabolism to gain a cycle. 


Doctor's reply to Lisa

Feb 6-7 


Time to sleep 00:16 hrs

Irish Times Sleep Challenge - Lisa Week 2

Sleep onset 00:21

Sleep duration 05:18 hrs

Unscored sections 00:09 hrs

Final awakening 07:39

Sleep efficiency 74 %

Feb 7-8

Time to sleep 00:24 hrs

Sleep onset 00:55

Sleep duration 08:37 hrs

Unscored sections 00:07 hrs

Final awakening 11:03

Sleep efficiency 86 %

Feb 8-9

Time to sleep 00:37 hrs

Sleep onset 00:07

Sleep duration 09:20 hrs

Unscored sections 00:16 hrs

Final awakening 11:54

Sleep efficiency 81 %

Feb 9-10

Time to sleep 00:44 hrs

Sleep onset 02:32

Sleep duration 06:03 hrs

Unscored sections 00:08 hrs

Final awakening 09:53

Sleep efficiency 84 %

Feb 10-11

Time to sleep 00:25 hrs

Sleep onset 23:39

Sleep duration 08:47 hrs

Unscored sections 00:57 hrs

Final awakening 12:33

Sleep efficiency 73 %

Feb 12-13

Time to sleep 00:00 hrs

Sleep onset 22:41

Sleep duration 10:40 hrs

Unscored sections 01:03 hrs

Final awakening 11:56

Sleep efficiency 87 %

Feb 12-13

Time to sleep 00:23 hrs

Sleep onset 00:24

Sleep duration 08:39 hrs

Unscored sections 02:21 hrs

Final awakening 12:05

Sleep efficiency 93 %