Health Scan: Marcus O’Laoire, comedian

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
I have a fairly healthy lifestyle, but I probably work too much and put myself under too much stress.

I work as a chef during the day. That’s high octane, high adrenaline work. Then I’m gigging quite a few nights a week as a comedian.

I could do with a lot more sleep but I figure I may as well do this while I’m young.

How often do you exercise?
I strive to go to the gym about five times a week and I cycle or walk everywhere. I play ultimate frisbee and tag rugby when it's on. In the gym, I'd mainly focus on weights.
Do you get your five
a day?
My diet tends to be more high protein. I eat far more meat than I probably should. When I do eat veg, it tends to be broccoli or cauliflower – stuff that wouldn't be too high in natural sugars.


You can function in another job if you’re tired but if you’re on stage, you crash and burn.

Do you worry?
I try not worry. I very much try to live in the moment, but at the end of the day, everyone is human and we can't help but worry, think about things and worry about the people close to us.

What do you do to relax?
I like to do comedy. Other than that, I play a few instruments, spend time with my girlfriend or my friends or I like getting out into nature – hiking, running around or playing frisbee. Even my relaxation would be fairly active.

What's your unhealthiest habit?
I'm not a very disciplined person. I find it hard to get out of bed before browsing on my phone.

If a cake was put in front of me, I’d find it really difficult not to just shove my face into it.

Follow Marcus on twitter @marcuscomedy.

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance