You can't beat a bit of god complex. And who does that better than The Sims? We've been pulling the strings on the strange Simlish-speaking characters' lives for some time now, taking them through dates and pet ownership and even the odd alien invasion. At E3 earlier this year, EA showed off the latest installation, The Sims 4, promising it would be the Sims as you'd never played them before, with the Sims now getting their own personalities and emotions, making interactions with other game characters more unpredictable than before. It's that addition though that makes The Sims 4 worth playing; other tweaks, such as an improved Sim creation tool, will make life easier but won't blow you away. You get the impression there's more to come - more than likely in the form of the usual expansion packs.
The Sims 4 review: more emotional, more unpredictable, more to come