Crosaire No 17200 by Crossheir – Monday, March 2nd, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Left (l) out spice (‘flavour’ without ‘l’ = FAVOUR) as an act of kindness (FAVOUR),

9 Clip (r) of The Last Stand (‘bier’ without ‘r’ = BIE-) pub (inn) set up (= reverse indicator) (inn = -NNI-) by gangster (-AL) (BIENNIAL) for a two-year period (BIENNIAL),

10 Local malicious gossip dug up (dig up the DIRT) by both sides in District Court (both sides in ‘DIstrict CouRT’ = DIRT),

11 Will need to be composed (SHEET MUSIC), as someone could be sleeping on this (SHEET) swing (MUSIC) (SHEET MUSIC)


12 Harbour (H-AVEN) around Point (compass point East = -E-) (HEAVEN) – God knows where that is! (HEAVEN),

14 Certain (certain) melody (= anagram indicator) (certain = CREATI-N) involves wedding band (-O-)  (CREATION) producing what Genesis is all about (Genesis in The Bible tells the story of creation = CREATION),

15 Those in The House (BRICKS AND MORTAR) having a physical, business-like presence (BRICKS AND MORTAR),

18 Built sea (built sea) craft (= anagram indicator) (built sea = SUITABLE) – is that fitting? (SUITABLE),

20 Nice wife (Nice/French ‘wife’ = MADAME) of master (M-) – the eldest (-ADAM-) relative from Foundation (‘relativE’ from foundation = -E) (MADAME),

22 You’d expect this type of person to get a rise (NEGOTIATOR) out of broker (NEGOTIATOR),

24 Rank (SORT) of Marshal? (marshal/put in order = SORT)

25 Tore strips off (ATTACKED) savage (ATTACK-) half of weed (half of ‘weED’ = -ED) (ATTACKED),

26 It’s unpleasant removing pets (it’s ‘unpleasant’ removing ‘pets’ = unlaan = ANNUAL) from year book (ANNUAL).


1 Suriname deports US (‘Suriname’ deports ‘US’ = riname = MARINE) member of the corps (MARINE),

2 Gent’s (gents = LOO-) distribution, statistically speaking (distribution in statistics = -T) (LOOT), of ill-gotten gains (LOOT),

3 Anchors (anchors on television = PRESENTS) in The Media (The Media = PRES-S) covers Net (net) problem (= anagram indicator) (net = - ENT-) (PRESENTS),

4 Instrument (OBOE) for digging up (= reverse indicator) in palaeobotany (in ‘palaeobotany’ = eobo = OBOE),

5 Heads of turbot, tuna (heads of ‘Turbot Tuna’ = -TT-) in leek (leek = KE-LE) stew (= anagram indicator) (KETTLE) requires water to come to the boil (KETTLE),

6 Ignorant (UNCULTURED) of a foreign  (a = UN-) way of life (-CULTURE-) taken on by Duke (-D) (UNCULTURED),

7 Father’s mate (MA-) to obtain (obtain) treatment (= anagram indicator) (obtain = -NITOBA) (MANITOBA) in Canada (MANITOBA),

13 Vocal NATO (Vocal NATO) boss (= anagram indicator) (Vocal NATO = VOCAT-ONAL) holds one (-I-) (VOCATIONAL) that has a lot to do with The Occupation? (relating to occupation/employment = VOCATIONAL),

14 Al Capone dismisses pal (‘Al Capone’ dismisses ‘pal’ = acone = CANOE) as a crafty type capable of sending you down the river (CANOE),

16 Course (route = ROU-TE) going around accommodation (-LET-) (ROULETTE) is enjoyed by those prepared to take a risk where the balls might land (ROULETTE),

17 It’s a reminder (memory) almost (y) (‘memory’ without ‘y’ = MEMOR-) to one (-I-) leader of mob (Al Capone = -AL) (MEMORIAL) in The Cenotaph (MEMORIAL),

19 Those employed by The Masons (BRICKS) at the start of 15 across (the start of ‘bricks and mortar’ = BRICKS),

21 Weapon (MORTAR) found at the end of 15 across (at the end of ‘bricks and mortar’ = MORTAR),

23 Put in order (TIDY) for tools starting (‘Tools’ starting = T-) DIY (DIY) conversion (= anagram indicator) (DIY = -IDY) (TIDY),

24 Found in the mix of 21 down (SAND found in mix of ‘mortar’) from ocean liner (SAND).