Crosaire No 17064 by Crossheir – Saturday, September 21st, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Digest (SYNOPSIS) after (= positional indicator) a glass of whiskey (SHORT) (SHORT SYNOPSIS), in summary (SHORT SYNOPSIS),

10 Try (HAVE A GO) to use a razor (shave) trimming top (s) (‘shave’ without ‘s’ = HAVE) in olden times (ago = A GO) (HAVE A GO),

11 German wine (RHENISH) at Knock (= anagram indicator) Shrine (shrine = RHENIS-) is from the heart of (middle of = ‘h’) the Ahr (middle of the ‘Ahr’ = -H) (RHENISH),

12 Cheer for (ROOT for) Degas coming out of stage door (‘Degas’ coming out of ‘stage door’ = toor = ROOT),


13 Unable to flee (AT BAY) for a (A-) time (-T) on horse (BAY horse) (AT BAY),

15 Sounds like (= homophone indicator) coldest place (‘brrr’ = ‘birr’ = BIRR) in Ireland (BIRR),

17 Animal taken from Malaysian (‘animal’ taken from ‘Malaysian’ = ysa = SAY) state (SAY),

19 Hurt someone’s feelings (OFFEND) with rotten (OFF-) conclusion (-END) (OFFEND),

21 A fair amount of (half of) the mink (half of the ‘MInk’= -MI-) in new (= anagram indicator) coat (coat = ATO-C) (ATOMIC) is fairly small (ATOMIC),

22 Real Dub (real dub = DURABLE) ground (= anagram indicator) is made to last (DURABLE),

23 Used the oven (baked = BA-KED) accommodating first course (first ‘Course’ = -C-) (BACKED) and took one of the sides (supported one side = BACKED),

25 Short (y) drama (‘play’ without ‘y’ = PLA-) from uplifting (= reversal indicator) manuscript (MS = -SM-) initially adapted (initially ‘Adapted’ = -A) (PLASMA) for television (PLASMA),

27 Is this how one would raise funding locally (TAP) for The Wire? (TAP)

29 Real (real = EARL) problem (= anagram indicator) for one of those in the House of Lords (EARL),

30 Film (SHORT) of most of those in 4 down (most ‘shorts’ = SHORT),

31 Tough (THUG) time (T-) to show affection (-HUG) (THUG),

34 Irish beach (Irish ‘beach’ = trá = TR-A) going around a (-A-) church  (-CH-) near point (compass point East  =-E-) (TRACHEA) is designed for taking the air (TRACHEA),

35 Nothing (-O-) found in peculiar (= anagram indicator) wells (wells = SW-LLE-) – what’s the point (compass point North = -N) (SWOLLEN) in being inflamed? (SWOLLEN),

36 Unable to pay for (SHORT) endless (t) fish (‘trout’ without ‘t’ = TROU-) on boat (SS = -S-S) around Eritrea (-ER-) (SHORT TROUSERS) – presumably, it’ll form part of a suit in Bermuda (Bermuda SHORT TROUSERS).


2 To divert assets (HIVE OFF) from worker’s home (home of worker bees = HIVE) is not on (OFF) (HIVE OFF),

3 Revolutionary (= reversal indicator) part of Thermopylae routed? (part of ‘ThermopyLAE Routed’ = laer = REAL) That’s not made up! (REAL),

4 A sample of the football gear (SHORTS) popular with all sides today (‘short’ on all sides of today’s grid / SHORTS),

5 Absolutely not (NO-WAY) about the end of summer (the end of ‘summeR’ = -R-) (NORWAY) in the country (NORWAY),

6 No harm in metaphor (no ‘harm’ in ‘metaphor’ = POET) produced by Yeats (POET),

7 One (I-) is free (-RID-) to contact institute (-I-) that has, well … (hesitation = -UM) (IRIDIUM) a hard element (IRIDIUM),

8 Respiratory problem (SHORT OF BREATH) and so forth (so forth = SHORT OF) playing (= anagram indicator) (SHORT OF BREATH) with slight wind (BREATH of wind) (SHORT OF BREATH),

9 Sounds like (= homophone indicator) Kurt (‘Kurt’ = ‘curt’ = SHORT) is caught (C-) and gets suspended sentence perhaps (-HANGING) (SHORT-CHANGING) for penny pinching presumably on the till (SHORT-CHANGING),

14 Place for Pat (pat on ‘back’), briefly (k) (‘back’ without ‘k’ = BAC-)’ from a (-A-) city in America (-LA-) to get duck (-O) (BACALAO) dish popular with Spaniards (BACALAO),

16 Found in Arabian desert (found in ‘ArabiAN DESert’ = ANDES) and South American mountains (ANDES),

18 Listened without din (‘listened’ without ‘din’ = lstee = STELE) produced by the older one of The Stones (stone slab = STELE / stela),

20 Either way (= palindrome indicator), it’s covered up by Hindu deity (covered up by ‘HinDU Deity’ = DUD) in Turkey (DUD),

21 Found in the general public (found in the “generAL Public” = ALP) high up in Switzerland (ALP),

24 A (-A-) regiment (-R-) was (WAS-) in Switzerland (C- -H) (CAR WASH) with motorised unit synonymous with cleansing (CAR WASH),

26 One studying (SCHOLAR) chapter (-CH-) consumed by the power of The Sun (solar power = S-OLAR) (SCHOLAR),

27 Cook someone’s goose (THWART) in foil (foil/spoil = THWART),

28 Recharge one batteries (-REST-) surrounded by flower (flower/river P-O) (PRESTO) very quickly (PRESTO),

32 Some mouth organs (some ‘mouTH ORgans’ = THOR) an issue for Odin (an issue/ offspring for Odin/Odin the father of THOR),

33 Characters in (= reversal indicator) business obsessed (busineSS OBsessed = ssob = BOSS) with big cheese (BOSS).