Weblink scores with fast-selling iMacs

Purchasers of the new Apple iMac will find that their get-on-the-Internet-in-a-flash machines are predisposed to a previously…

Purchasers of the new Apple iMac will find that their get-on-the-Internet-in-a-flash machines are predisposed to a previously little-heard-of ISP called Weblink.

Its technical director, Mr Dave Reddy, said iMac customers can call Weblink and be up and running on the Internet within three to six minutes.

Six-month-old Weblink is more used to developing extranets and running closed Internet sites, but has decided to use its directors' Apple experience to become what Mr Reddy calls a product-specific ISP (iMac users only). The deal is a notable success for Tinet in its battle with IOL for new subscribers, especially as iMacs are selling like hot, Internet-ready cakes.

Weblink's two other directors are Mr Gavin Tanham, managing director, and Mr Gerry Dalton, creative director.