Investors planning to buy shares in Telecom Eireann should note that application forms must be completed and returned by 4 p.m. on June 30th. Any of the 1.2 million who have already registered will be entitled to a priority share allocation in the event of strong demand.
Those who now wish to follow through and make a purchase should complete the personalised share application form and return it by the closing date. It is important to use that particular form as it recognises that you have already registered your interest. Otherwise if you get a form from a Telecom Eireann office or Post Office, you will not be entitled to claim priority when the share allocations are being completed.
The share price will be set in the coming weeks and is expected to be between £2.64 (€3.35) and £3.27 (€4.15). The advisers to the Government will be aiming to set the price at a level which will ensure the shares will appreciate in value once they start trading.