Violence In East Timor

Sir, - The recently released report on the violence before, during and after the 1999 popular consultation on the future of East…

Sir, - The recently released report on the violence before, during and after the 1999 popular consultation on the future of East Timor makes for stark reading (The Irish Times, April 21st).

There can be no doubt that the Indonesian generals paid for, orchestrated and sustained the appalling levels of violence that were witnessed by so many Irish people on their television screens. To think that not one of these "officers" has stood in the dock to answer for their crimes is galling.

In April 1999, I accompanied the then Foreign Minister, Mr David Andrews, on a visit to the territory. We saw at first hand the level of involvement of the TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces) in the unfolding events. Indeed, Mr Andrews is to be congratulated on the steps he took following our return to the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. However, I would like to point out to readers that many of the TNI commanders are now stationed in Aceh and West Papua and no doubt are about equally ghastly deeds. If they are not challenged through an international tribunal, as was promised, what sort of signal does it send to them? More importantly what sort of signal does it send to the oppressed peoples of Aceh and West Papua? - Yours, etc.,

Tom Hyland, Maliana, East Timor.