Time for a grand coalition?

Sir, – I fully agree with Stephen Collins's suggestion (Opinion & Analysis, January 17th) that a grand coalition of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil might be best for the country. Such an arrangement could provide strong and stable government for the next five critical years. Both parties owe it to the people to sacrifice selfish political interest for the good of the country at a pivotal time in our history. After all, Fianna Fáil ruined the economy during their last term in office and Fine Gael have utterly failed the people on the issues of health and housing during the term of the outgoing government. It is now "pay-back time" for both parties and they should feel obliged to work together for the next five years to address the current health, housing and law-and-order crisis. This is the only way that these vital issues can be tackled in a focused and coherent way without having to pander to smaller parties and Independent TDs pursuing purely local issues.

And wouldn’t it be a very appropriate way to mark the forthcoming centenary of the Civil War! – Yours, etc,


Binn Éadair,


Baile Átha Cliath 13.