Sandymount cycleway

Sir, – Daragh Tracey (Letters, September 14th) seems to have found a big red herring and decided to shoot it down with both barrels. The residents of Sandymount are not "asking Dublin City Council to build them a promenade".

As part of its necessary Coastal Flood Defence Scheme, DCC is proposing to extend the existing promenade by about half a kilometre northwards to link up with Sean Moore Park.

What we in Sandymount are suggesting is that now is the ideal time to incorporate a cycleway on the promenade, outside the sea wall, and away from the dangerously busy Strand Road. The Flood Defence Scheme has been on the table since 2017, and has recently been reactivated.

The cycleway outside the sea wall has been proposed for about 20 years. The mills of God grind faster than this, but we Sandymount residents have perseverance and tenacity, even if most of us are not particularly wealthy, or own polluting SUVs, as Tracey seems to think. – Yours, etc,



Sandymount, Dublin 4.