Pressures of puberty

Madam, - Claire Swail's letter of March 25th shows how easily people are swayed by the pieces of pseudo-science pumped out regularly…

Madam, - Claire Swail's letter of March 25th shows how easily people are swayed by the pieces of pseudo-science pumped out regularly by bored scientists. To say that "adolescents today are reaching puberty at a younger age" is incorrect.

Firstly, an adolescent is a person who is already undergoing puberty.

Secondly, it is simply not possible for the body to react to visual stimuli to commence a biological event so colossal as puberty, not even if you were to stretch the idea of psychosomatism to the very limit.

The reason children are beginning puberty earlier is the same reason why the average height of a grown European adult is increasing: better diet and a better standard of living.


I recognise the concern behind the letter, but we should not let science be corrupted for reasons which may seem at first well-meaning, but which could quite easily be perverted to moralistic and political ends. - Is mise,



Co Kildare.