Orangemen and sectarianism

Madam, - In taking the Tánaiste to task for her reference to the Orange Order as "sectarian and bigoted", the Rev Brian Kennaway…

Madam, - In taking the Tánaiste to task for her reference to the Orange Order as "sectarian and bigoted", the Rev Brian Kennaway (Opinion & Analysis, March 2nd), quotes blood-curdlingly intolerant passages from basic documents of the Order and of "Christian" denominations generally.

He thus unwittingly vindicates the Tánaiste's view, rather than refuting it.

I know the Rev Kennaway personally and a more genial and good-humoured chap you could not hope to meet.

I note that he is described as former convenor of the Orange education committee (italics mine). Am I right in recollecting that he was fired for being too moderate? Or was it that his keen sense of the ridiculous made him retire from such an improbable position? - Yours, etc,


JOHN A MURPHY, Rosebank, Douglas Road, Cork.