Kaczynski and homosexuality

Madam, - Two writers to this page have supported the view of President Kaczynski of Poland that "promoting" a homosexual lifestyle…

Madam, - Two writers to this page have supported the view of President Kaczynski of Poland that "promoting" a homosexual lifestyle could lead to the extinction of the human race. Homosexuality is not a choice, any more than heterosexuality is. A wealth of scientific evidence demonstrates that it has an innate biological basis in how the brain develops. It is, incidentally, observed with a significant frequency in many other species.

Attempts to change sexual orientation are as misplaced and ineffective as the previously common practice of attempting to change left-handedness.

Conversely, the idea that granting equal rights of marriage, adoption or other social practices could in some way "promote" homosexuality is absurd and would be laughable if it were not adding to the already considerable bigotry and discrimination directed towards homosexuals in our society. - Yours, etc,

KEVIN MITCHELL,  Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Trinity College, Dublin 2.


Madam, - David Gray (February 24th) suggests that granting equal rights to same-sex couples will result in a weakened society. David Gilmore (February 28th) applauds Mr Gray and notes that the world is struggling with moral decline.

I suggest that Messrs Gray and Gilmore consider how many heterosexuals - people passing "brown envelopes", gangland killers, the burglars attacking elderly people in their homes - are undermining society before piously rejecting the lifestyles of others.

Last night I read a bedtime story, from the Children's Bible, "The Good Samaritan", to my year-old daughter. The opening line is: "When Jesus was teaching the people about God, a clever lawyer stood up and asked him, 'I know I should be kind to other people, but who does that mean?'" The closing line reads: "You should be kind to everyone, not just your family and friends, but everyone." - Yours, etc,