Hands up to help the homeless

Sir, – At the weekend, on a perfect autumn day I walked over Baggot Street bridge in Dublin. On one bank of the canal I found a homeless woman in a small tent. On the other I met An Taoiseach enjoying a walk. I then walked past the large vacant Royal City of Dublin Hospital.

I do not know what is planned for the lovely old building. But, a thought struck me that with a little imagination the vacant building could be opened up to provide straight access accommodation each day for Dublin’s homeless.

In turn they could be helped into some kind of re-settlement programme. Agencies could work together and really fast as the cold winter sets in. A homeless man died on our cold streets in Belfast over the same weekend.

I appeal to An Taoiseach, his housing ministers and officials to take up this idea.


I would be glad to help after 40 years experience in social housing in all parts of Ireland. Just some funds to get things started and maybe some sponsorship from a kind business or two that care. Help make this Christmas the year when homelessness is at last eased and with just a little imagination, lives saved. – Yours, etc,

