Frosty welcome at Dublin Airport

Sir, – It amazes me to think of the millions spent on Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport, while I stand freezing waiting for the Aircoach service to bring me home.

To ask a traveller, especially one of mature years, to leave the superheated airport building and stand in what seems like the coldest place in the country is harsh.

There always seems to be a biting wind, from which there is no shelter. To sit on a freezing seat, if you can get it, is a recipe for at least a cold, if not pneumonia.

Surely the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) could give a little more thought to passengers who have to wait for buses or taxis and provide a few windbreaks, shelters and space heaters on that cold, unwelcoming concourse outside the terminal building? – Yours, etc,



Dun Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.