Madam, - The Criminal Justice Bill currently before the Dáil proposes to give the Garda Síochána extensive new powers. The Irish Human Rights Commission has already stated its opposition to these proposed new powers. In my experience of working with young homeless people, I too have grave concerns.
I have no doubt that there is considerable abuse of existing powers by some gardaí. Of concern, for example, is the continuing practice of gardaí "confiscating" money or property from young homeless males, leaving them penniless for the rest of the week.
To justify this action, a garda has only to state that in his or her opinion the money or property "may have been the proceeds of crime". No further evidence or explanation is required.
Clearly, a young person who believes he or she is being harassed in this manner has no effective redress. Often the money is never returned.
In one case, a young homeless man was stopped in the street and had half of the money in his pocket "confiscated" on the basis that that half may have been the proceeds of crime!
Until those given the task of upholding justice themselves act justly, or are made accountable when they do not, I believe that new powers will increase the harassment experienced by some young, vulnerable people in our inner city and other deprived areas. - Yours etc.,
Fr PETER McVERRY SJ, Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Upper Sherrard Street, Dublin 1.