Checking the promises

Sir, – It is time to put an end to the sham of meaningless manifestos and political promises. Could one of the political commentators of The Irish Times and the other newspapers, before February 8th, put together and publish a detailed assessment of how the de facto two parties of government – Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil – succeeded or failed to live up to their 2016 manifestos?

And, perhaps the two parties themselves could publish assessments of their own successes and failures, together with explanations of why they succeeded or failed. These publications could be accompanied by an analysis of where we are now and what is needed to make Ireland a more egalitarian society, without the wild promises.

This would put a stop to the sham of their making these promises that neither they nor anybody else believes in. The other parties could also publish a realistic assessment of the present situation. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.