Calling In The FBI

Sir, - I read with disbelief (The Irish Times, June 2nd) that the FBI is to assist with the Abbeylara inquiry and that we are…

Sir, - I read with disbelief (The Irish Times, June 2nd) that the FBI is to assist with the Abbeylara inquiry and that we are to develop joint policies with the US to combat literacy.

I am not sure what it is we need to learn from a country with the most trigger-happy law enforcement system in the Western world, the highest rate of judicially sanctioned murder (sometimes called execution), and the greatest levels of inequality in education. Perhaps we should now invite the US to assist us in developing better health, social security and pension policies. In return, we could always advise them on the finer points of political corruption, planning abuse and rank hypocrisy.

Perhaps it is time to drop the pretence that our European identity is anything other than a geographical accident. - Yours, etc.,

Piaras Mac Einri, Model Farm Road, Cork.