Blame game at Davos

Sir, – Enda Kenny’s analysis at Davos did not include the role of the opposition during the period of the “incompetent government…

Sir, – Enda Kenny’s analysis at Davos did not include the role of the opposition during the period of the “incompetent government”.   During that time he and his party colleagues sat on their hands in the Dáil and saw nothing, examined nothing, said nothing, proposed nothing, did nothing except draw their salaries and expenses.   Now they are the Government, God help us!   What did the trip to Davos achieve and was it really necessary? – Yours, etc,


Wilton Road, Cork.

Sir, – It is clear from the Letters page that most Irish people still insist on believing that somebody else, anybody else is responsible for the economic situation that Ireland is in. This “‘blame the Brits” (read today, EU, ECB, bankers, regulators) mentality conveniently ignores that it was the sovereign decisions of the Irish people over a period of 15 years, through electoral choices, that put the conditions and politicians in place which led to the disaster.

Since 1992 the Irish electorate voted in huge numbers for parties (Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the PDs) promising lower taxes, higher spending and less regulations.

In 2007 even the social democratic party of the state Labour, sensing the mood of the nation, felt obliged to join this bandwagon in order to avoid electoral destruction.


If people really wish to know who is responsible for the economic hardships in Ireland now they would do well to first to examine their own voting record in the years leading up to the disaster. – Yours, etc,


Tynaarlo, Drenthe,

The Netherlands.

Sir, – I cannot understand why Gerry Adams was not called upon to apologise in the Dáil when he called the Taoiseach an amadán and an eejit (Dáil report, February 1st). Even though it was in Mickey Mouse Irish. One thing is for sure. We will never see Enda Kenny making an eejit of himself by carrying coffins at the funerals of terrorists and murderers. – Yours, etc,


Drumakill, Castleblayney,

Co Monaghan.

Sir, – I wonder if our Taoiseach will consider that the people are mad enough to vote for Europe’s new fiscal treaty? – Yours, etc,


Lambourne Wood,


Dublin 18.