Bicyclists' bad behaviour

Madam, – Before I end up in hospital, under a bus, dangling on someone’s handlebars..

Madam, – Before I end up in hospital, under a bus, dangling on someone’s handlebars . . . can something be done about the increasing multitude of cyclists breaking lights, going like the clappers on pavements and whizzing up the wrong direction on streets?

No doubt some cyclists don’t hear my calls as their heads bobble to music transmitted through headphones.

Alas, I would not like to repeat what has been said to me on the occasions when a cyclist has heard and responded to my call to get off the pavement. Suffice to say it is not very original, and usually involves vocab beginning with the letter F.

I write this as a cyclist who is only too aware of the dangers of cycling in Dublin. However, I am thoroughly fed up with the rude and inconsiderate behaviour by, unfortunately, a majority of cyclists in the city.


The people who behave in this manner are obviously unaware of what it might be like if you are visually impaired, an older individual, pushing a buggy . . . There is no excuse for this behaviour and unless something is done very soon, someone will be very badly injured.

I myself have no desire to experience being propelled from someone’s handlebars into space.– Yours, etc,


Liffey Terrace,

St Laurence’s Road,


Dublin 20