Assisted Decision-Making Act

Sir, – Kitty Holland rightly points out that the antiquated Lunacy Regulation Act 1871 remains a reality in the lives of 3000 adults in Ireland ("Mental Health Commission has 'serious concerns' over delays in opening service", News, January 27th). Being made a ward of court strips a person of their decision-making rights, meaning many people with intellectual disabilities continue to have little or no say about where they live, financial decisions, medical decisions or decisions around marriage.

The next minister for justice must act and provide the Mental Health Commission with the appropriate funds to support people to make decisions themselves as set out in the Assisted Decision-Making Act 2015. Failure to do so will put Ireland in a position of non-compliance with the recently ratified UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. People have waited for 150 years to be appropriately supported to make their own decisions. Let us not make them wait any longer. – Yours, etc,




Engagement Manager,

Inclusion Ireland,

Foley Street,

Dublin 1.