Bumper profits for energy companies

Heat and light

Sir, – I have read several reports in your newspaper recently of energy companies announcing lower prices. While this is welcome, could journalists include the new price of a unit of electricity rather than a percentage cut? As they are not telling us the current cost of a unit of energy, a 15 per cent discount doesn’t mean a lot to many people – a 15 per cent discount on what?

Most consumers will know what they currently pay per unit, or if not can find out by checking their bill, so it would be helpful to see if it is worth switching. – Yours, etc,




Co Kilkenny.

Sir, – You report that Bord Gáis Energy is to cut the price of gas and electricity by 15.5 per cent from November (Business September 21st). Bord Gáis Energy’s managing director has further good news: “Importantly, we are also reducing our standing charges by the same amount for all residential customers.”

Would the Government please insist that our energy suppliers explain why they increased their standing charges, which have nothing to do with wholesale energy prices, in tandem with increases in those prices? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.