Most likely to say?
Anything that offends his political rivals, particularly "sissy, shorty, transvestite, leech and bloodsucker".
Least likely to say?
"Your Highness." When the King of Spain called him this week, he answered the phone, "whaaat, it's the king? Right on!"
His grandfather was Irish so where will he claim as his ancestor's birthplace?
Johnny Fox's pub in Kiltiernan, where he will arrive in leathers on a Harley Davidson machine.
Main flaw
When asked what his main flaw was, his eldest daughter (and first lady; he is separated from his wife of 20 years) Cristina (20) said "he's stubborn as a mule and can't be talked out of an idea". His younger son put it more succintly, "he's deaf at times".
Defeated the ruling party, lifted national spirits by about 5,000 metres.
The little Mussolini which Fox carries around inside him.