Unionist says fund for victims could be a sop

Major new funding for victims of Northern Ireland violence could be a sop to unionists for more concessions over RUC reform, …

Major new funding for victims of Northern Ireland violence could be a sop to unionists for more concessions over RUC reform, it has been claimed.

The funding was announced by Northern Ireland Office Victims Minister Mr Adam Ingram and is to be spent over the next three years.

It is almost twice the sum used over the previous three years to help those bereaved and traumatised by the conflict.

Official Unionist East Derry MP Mr William Ross said the extra £12 million was welcome but added: "I fear this may be a diversionary tactic in regard to policing."


The Northern Ireland Memorial Fund will receive £1 million a year.

Announcements will be made in coming months on the remaining £9 million in consultation with the junior ministers in the Office of the First and Deputy First Ministers in Belfast, said Mr Ingram.

He hailed the new package and said it would provide sustainability for the victims' community and build upon vital work undertaken since the issue was reviewed by Sir Kenneth Bloomfield in 1998.

But Mr Ross, an opponent of the Belfast Agreement, asked: "Is this supposed to be a sop to the unionist community, the law-abiding community, because there is going to be some sort of mess over policing?"