Task force 'dismayed' by maritime policy

Members of a Government task force on maritime transport have said they are "utterly dismayed" that maritime transport was not…

Members of a Government task force on maritime transport have said they are "utterly dismayed" that maritime transport was not included in the new Department of Transport.

In a letter in today's Irish Times, the representatives of ferry companies, ship agents and stevedores describe the move as a "policy fiasco".

They also say the Government "has chosen to ignore the expert advice of people who know what they are talking about".

The task force had recommended that a Department of Transport be established to develop and implement policy for all forms of transport.


"Choosing to ignore one mode of transport is a recipe for both fragmentation and inefficiency and renders the transport chain only as strong as its weakest link," the letter states.

The task force members say it is "a nonsense" to suggest the appointment of a minister of state will remedy the problem.

"The effects of this policy fiasco, while not immediately obvious, will significantly restrict our economy as Ireland continues to lose competitiveness," the letter states.

The letter is signed by representatives of IBEC, Stena Line, Dublin Port Stevedores, Irish Management Institute, Norfolk Line, Irish Ship Agents' Association and the Transport Users' Group.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times