Sinn Féin hold emergency meeting in Dublin

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams is chairing an emergency meeting with members of the party executive in Dublin amid the biggest…

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams is chairing an emergency meeting with members of the party executive in Dublin amid the biggest crisis to engulf the party in years.

Mr Adams flew back to Dublin from a three day book signing visit to Spain to study a report he asked Sinn Fein to draw up for him about events while he was away.

Mr Adams, who denies the IRA was behind the Northern Bank robbery, has called for people to respond in a measured way and not to make any knee-jerk reactions.

Speaking on Sky News today Mr Adams denied there was a crisis within republicanism.


"The nub of the current controversy and crisis it itn't a crisis within the republicanism its a crisis of confidence among conservative parties and its a crisis for the peace process," Mr Adams said.