Making The Cut, the muchhyped and long-awaited new crime drama series from RTE, had its first airing on Wednesday evening when cast and crew gathered in Jury's Custom House Inn for a preview. While the hero of the series, Sean McGinley (aka Detective Sergeant Carl McCadden), and his sidekick Andrea Irvine (Detective Garda Moya O'Donnell), were whisked up to the roof for photos, I collared Sean's brother, Ciaran McGinley.
He looked slightly aghast at the idea that he might be involved in the movie world himself; both he and their other brother are bankers. "Sure, Sean will get a proper job some day too," he laughed. When this was repeated to the man himself on his return, he retorted: "Sure, Ciaran's the biggest actor in the family; I just get paid for it."