Record of levelled cottages welcomed

AN TAISCE has welcomed a decision by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Co Council to "preserve by record" a 19th century terrace of cottages…

AN TAISCE has welcomed a decision by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Co Council to "preserve by record" a 19th century terrace of cottages in south Dublin before demolishing it to make way for a road.

Demolition of the terrace was put on hold to allow for its preservation by record following the intervention of An Taisce.

Local residents received a letter last week from the council informing them of the "emergency demolition" of 16 vacant houses at Yankee Terrace, Roseville Terrace and Annavilla Avenue, off Newtownpark Avenue.

The council had acquired the houses by compulsory purchase order to make way for the Monkstown Ring Road.


An Bord Pleanála approved the demolition following a public oral hearing. An Taisce claimed that at the hearing, the council gave a commitment that the terrace would be "preserved by record", through notes and photographs, in advance of being demolished. However, the record was not made.

County Manager Owen Keegan told An Taisce that he understood no such commitment was given by the council. However, he agreed to temporarily halt works on the demolition to allow the record to be made. "My understanding is that this was done yesterday under the supervision of the conservation officer," he told An Taisce.

A spokesman for An Taisce said they were delighted the record was being taken and looked forward to seeing it in the council's archive. "The battle to save Yankee Terrace was lost; all we sought to do was to stop its demolition pending a record," he said.

Tom Loftus, director of services at the council's transportation department, said the demolition of the cottages was proceeding as scheduled. "This work is being undertaken in advance of the main contract in the interest of public safety and the avoidance of anti-social behaviour," he said. "The main Monkstown Ring Road contract will not be delayed."

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist