The bullet-riddencorpse of a Catholic priest, kidnapped last week by suspectedMarxist rebels, has been found by authorities in a violentstretch of northeast Colombia.
Father Jose Rubin Rodriguez (51) was abducted and killed in Araucaprovince, some 280 miles (450 km) from Bogota.
According to Archbishop Carlos German Mesa, the kidnappershad identified themselves as members of the Revolutionary ArmedForces of Colombia (FARC), the 17,000-member Marxist rebel army.
Fr Rodriguez was the second Catholic priest killed in war-tornArauca province in the past month. A priest in Saravena, SauloCarreno, was fatally shot by suspected Marxist rebels in earlyNovember.
Colombia, gripped by four decades of guerrilla warfare, isthe most violent country in Latin America and one of the mostdangerous countries in the world for religious workers, not tomention journalists and labour leaders.
At least 58 Catholic workers, among them bishops, priestsand missionaries, have been killed in Colombia over the pastdecade, according to Colombia's Episcopal Conference and thearmed forces.