The controlled crash of theRussian space station Mir yesterday created a bit of a mess for eBay, the wildly popular Internet auction site.
According to eBay spokesman Mr Kevin Pursglove, pranksters beganposting fake Mir wreckage offers just as the 143-tonne space stationhit South Pacific waters.
"We've caught about 15 to 20 of them so far," he said."Unless someone can produce proof they have some wreckage, we'llkeep pulling down the offers."
Mr Pursglove added that the wreckage, if indeed found by eBaysellers, would probably still be the property of the Russiangovernment.
"How would you like them knocking on your door late at night,asking for it back?" he joked.
The San Jose, California-based Internet auction site has seen anumber of prank sales posted on the system, including offers fornew-born babies, the US presidency and someone's soul.