Obama appoints team to identify running-mate

Democrat Barack Obama has asked three people, including Caroline Kennedy, to lead a search for a prospective vice presidential…

Democrat Barack Obama has asked three people, including Caroline Kennedy, to lead a search for a prospective vice presidential running mate, his campaign confirmed tonight.

Barack Obama - congratulated by US President Bush
Barack Obama - congratulated by US President Bush

Kennedy, daughter of former President John F Kennedy, will be joined by former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson, who performed the same task for John Kerry in 2004 and Walter Mondale in 1984, and former deputy Attorney General Eric Holder.

"Senator Obama is pleased to have three talented and dedicated individuals managing this rigorous process. He will work closely with them in the coming weeks but ultimately this will be his decision and his alone," spokesman Bill Burton said.

Mr Obama turned today to unifying his fractured party for a historic five-month battle for the White House against Republican John McCain, but Hillary Clinton offered no hints of her future plans.


Senator Obama shot from political obscurity to become the first black presidential nominee of a major US party last night when he secured the 2,118 delegates he needs for victory at the August convention.

Ms Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady who entered the race 17 months ago as a heavy favourite, did not concede and said she would consult party leaders and supporters about her next move.

"This has been a long campaign and I will make no decisions tonight," Ms Clinton said last night. "In the coming days I'll be consulting with supporters and party leaders to determine how to move forward with the best interests of our party and my country guiding my way."

Mr Obama (46) will be crowned the Democratic nominee at the convention in August and will face Mr McCain in November's election to choose a successor to President George W. Bush. Mr McCain wrapped up the Republican nomination in March.

Mr Bush offered his congratulations to Mr Obama for securing the Democratic presidential nomination, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today. "He knows from personal experience that the presidential nominating process is a gruelling one and Senator Obama came a long way in becoming his party's nominee," Ms Perino said.

The Illinois senator tried to ease relations with Ms Clinton today, calling her an "extraordinary candidate and extraordinary public servant" during a speech to a pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington.

During the speech, he reaffirmed his strong support for Israel and promised to do "everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. That starts with aggressive, principled diplomacy without self-defeating preconditions."

In a separate appearance before the group later today, Ms Clinton said "I know that Senator Obama will be a good friend to Israel."

She has told New York members of Congress she would be open to becoming Mr Obama's vice presidential running mate.

The victory by Mr Obama, son of a black Kenyan father and white mother from Kansas, marked a milestone in US history. It came 45 years after the height of the civil rights movement and followed one of the closest and longest nomination fights in recent US political history.

Mr Obama clinched the win after a wave of uncommitted delegates announced their support yesterday, pushing his total to 2,156, according to an MSNBC count. Mrs Clinton, who would have been the first woman nominee in US political history, won over 1,900 delegates.

"Tonight, we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another," Mr Obama said at a victory celebration in St Paul, Minnesota, the site of the Republican National Convention in September.

"Tonight, I can stand before you and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States," he told 17,000 cheering supporters. Another 15,000 gathered outside.

Five months of state-by-state delegate selection concluded on Tuesday with Mr Obama winning Montana and Clinton capturing South Dakota.

More party leaders and uncommitted officials are expected to back Mr Obama today. Democratic leaders urged uncommitted delegates to announce a decision by Friday.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, party chairman Howard Dean and West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin issued a joint statement saying Democrats must stand united against Mr McCain.
Ms Clinton and Mr Obama are expected to meet soon to discuss her role in the looming election campaign.

Mr McCain kicked off his race against Mr Obama with a rally in Louisiana last night where he sought to distance himself from Mr Bush and questioned Mr Obama's judgment. He called Mr Obama a "formidable" opponent but one who had not shown a willingness to put aside partisan interests.

"He is an impressive man, who makes a great first impression," Mr McCain (71) a former Vietnam prisoner of war, said of Mr Obama. "But he hasn't been willing to make the tough calls, to challenge his party, to risk criticism from his supporters to bring real change to Washington. I have."