‘No cronyism’ in Harney FAS appointment

It has been reported that the Tánaiste Ms Harney is romantically involved with the man she appointed chairman of the State’s …

It has been reported that the Tánaiste Ms Harney is romantically involved with the man she appointed chairman of the State’s training and employment agency FAS.

However sources close to Ms Harney are quoted in two Sunday newspapers as saying the relationship developed after the appointment of Mr Brian Geoghegan was made.

Ms Harney announced her intention to appoint Mr Geoghegan to the post on November 21st. He was formally appointed on January 26th.

The Sunday Independentand Ireland on Sundayquote a source close to Ms Harney as saying there was "obviouslyno question cronyism or favouritism" in the appointment.


"There is a lot of happiness for Mary in relation to this. But it should be remembered that the relationship is very much in its infancy.

"Obviously there would have to be concern about the effect publicity may have on their relationship. But at the moment, Mary is very happy. We all are", the source added.