Man flees Derry home after defying attackers

A man was forced to flee after firing a shot to thwart a gang threatening to attack him.

A man was forced to flee after firing a shot to thwart a gang threatening to attack him.

Mr Joseph McCloskey quit his home in Derry today amid fears republicans were seeking revenge.

Mr McCloskey fired from a legally held shotgun when a gang of five masked men armed with handguns and sledgehammer tried to break in and fired into his house on Monday night.

He and his brother managed to frighten them off before police were called.


The incident may be linked to a pub brawl at the weekend.

An RUC spokesman said: "It is not our policy to comment on threats against individuals."

The RUC tonight confirmed a man who was injured in the shooting had been arrested while undergoing medical treatment for a leg wound.

Sinn Féin Mid Ulster MP Mr Martin McGuinness, who lives in Derry, has been urged to intervene. He was unavailable for comment tonight.