Man detained at Shannon Airport after absconding from flight

Heathrow passenger reportedly attempted to board US plane to search for weapons

A US air force plane at Shannon Airport. A man was detained at the airport after absconding from his Heathrow flight, apparently in an attempt to search a US plane for weapons. File photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

A man was detained at Shannon Airport after absconding from his scheduled flight to Heathrow.

The man was held by airport security following the incident. Gardaí were called to the scene but the man was not charged.

The incident occurred at about 8.20am.

Reports suggest that the man was trying to board a US plane in order to search it for weapons.


A spokesman for the airport said: “A member of airport staff swiftly apprehended the man as he strayed from the designated approach to the aircraft steps.

"He was handed over to An Garda Síochána. The flight departed on schedule."

A file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.