Iraq tribunal set up to try Saddam loyalists

Iraq formally established a tribunal today to prosecute members of Saddam Hussein's regime for crimes against humanity, as guerrillas…

Iraq formally established a tribunal today to prosecute members of Saddam Hussein's regime for crimes against humanity, as guerrillas killed two US soldiers in attacks in the northern city of Mosul.

One soldier from the 101st Airborne Division was killed in a drive-by shooting in Mosul and another died when a roadside bomb was detonated beside an American convoy. Four soldiers have been killed in the city over the past four days.

Many Iraqis who supported the US-led war have turned against the Americans for failing to quickly rebuild Iraq. Some of that anger has been turned towards US troops.

Since the start of the war to topple Saddam, 310 US soldiers have been killed in action, 195 of them in guerrilla attacks since major combat was declared over on May 1st.


Washington hopes prosecuting Saddam's top lieutenants will help bolster support for the Governing Council and convince Iraqis the old regime will not return.

Of the 55 Iraqis on a US most-wanted list, 38 have been captured and two killed. Officials say trials would begin next year with the prosecution of some of the 38 in custody.