Hints for Emigrants

The demand for all classes of workmen is over till next spring, and no one should emigrate till then on the chance of obtaining…

The demand for all classes of workmen is over till next spring, and no one should emigrate till then on the chance of obtaining work; female servants may obtain employment at all seasons of the year. The regulation now in operation in Canada requiring every emigrant 18 years of age or over to have in his possession at least 25 dols. (£5) in cash, and between January 1st and February 15th, 1909, 50 dols. in cash, at the time of landing, besides a ticket to his destination, is enforced in the case of all emigrants other than farmers, farm labourers, and female servants.

All emigrants sent out by British charitable societies or public funds must be certified as suitable by the Canadian authorities in London. In view of several recent cases of deportation it is necessary to bear in mind that any immigrant who within two years of his landing in Canada becomes a public charge, or an inmate of a penitentiary, gaol, prison, or hospital or charitable institution, may, after investigation of the facts, be deported, together with those dependent on him.

The Irish Times

October 21st, 1908.