Green Party's Ó Brolcháin wins Seanad byelection

THE GREEN Party’s former mayor of Galway Niall Ó Brolcháin has won the Seanad byelection caused by the election of Labour’s Alan…

THE GREEN Party’s former mayor of Galway Niall Ó Brolcháin has won the Seanad byelection caused by the election of Labour’s Alan Kelly to the European Parliament in June. He will sit on the Seanad’s agricultural panel.

Mr Ó Brolcháin, the only nominee from a Government party following an agreement between Fianna Fáil and the Greens, polled 119 votes to defeat candidates from Fine Gael and Labour.

“I am very happy to have been given an opportunity to again represent the people of Galway and the west, and I will work hard on their behalf,” Mr Ó Brolcháin said.

“I am honoured to have been elected to the Seanad, and I promise to repay those that endorsed my candidacy with hard work and commitment.


“I believe that I will bring a fresh perspective into Seanad Éireann and make valuable contributions to its work.”

Green Party leader and Minister for the Environment John Gormley thanked the TDs and Senators who had voted for Mr Ó Brolcháin for their support.

“Niall will make a very fine Senator and I thank my Oireachtas colleagues for supporting his candidacy,” Mr Gormley said.

“With his business and agricultural experience and commitment to community activism, Niall will make a very good addition to Seanad Éireann and I wish him every success in the years ahead.”

Mr Ó Brolcháin served on Galway City Council from 2004 until 2009 and was mayor of Galway city from 2006 to 2007. According to the Green Party press office, he has considerable experience in the organic farming sector and the dairy industry.

The Fine Gael nominee was Monaghan county councillor Owen Bannigan, a farmer from Castleblayney, who received 54 votes. Labour had nominated James Heffernan, a national teacher, bloodstock owner and breeder, from Kilfinane, Co Limerick, who received 32 votes.

Meanwhile, another Seanad byelection will take place on January 19th. Eight nominations were received by close of business on Friday for the contest to replace Fianna Fáil’s Peter Callanan from Innishannon, Co Cork, who died in October.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times