An "experienced" Garda squad car driver who drove into the rear of another vehicle was held 25 per cent responsible for the crash. In the Circuit Civil Court yesterday, Judge Dominic Lynch awarded £22,000 damages to a garda passenger injured in the squad car.
Garda Ciaran Walsh, of Fitzgibbon Street Garda station and Laurel Lodge, Castleknock, Dublin, had sued a motorist, Mr Patrick Cullen, of Heuston Square, Kilmainham, Dublin, for £30,000 damages.
Garda Walsh, who also sued the State, told his counsel, Mr Bruce Antoniotti, he was in the rear of the squad car with a prisoner when it crashed into the back of Mr Cullen's car. Judge Lynch heard Mr Cullen was in the US and was not available to give evidence. Mr Cullen had braked to turn right in Manor Street, Dublin, when the crash occurred.
The squad car driver, Det Garda John Carroll, told Ms Orla Crowe, for the State, he had not seen Mr Cullen indicate before the manoeuvre. Judge Lynch held Mr Cullen 75 per cent responsible for the accident.
Garda Walsh said he suffered shoulder and facial injuries when thrown forward in the Garda car and was left with a click in his jaw. Judge Lynch awarded him £16,000 general, damages and £6,644 special damages for medical and other expenses.