Garda apologises for arrest in front of children

A garda sergeant today apologised for arresting a wrongly detained murder suspect while he was taking his young children to school…

A garda sergeant today apologised for arresting a wrongly detained murder suspect while he was taking his young children to school.

But Sergeant Joseph Hannigan denied allegations he was heavy-handed and abusive when he arrested Frank McBrearty jnr for the murder of Donegal cattle dealer Richie Barron.

It was since found the dead man was the victim of a hit-and-run collision, and the botched investigation ultimately led to the Morris tribunal and the exposing of a web of garda corruption.

Sgt Hannigan told the tribunal it wasn't a deliberate decision to arrest Mr McBrearty at Thorn Road, Letterkenny, on the morning of December 4th, 1996, because it was known he would be with his young daughter and son at the time.


"It wasn't given adequate consideration," he admitted. "I know now and I recognise now that it was a bad decision, and it wasn't good that Mr McBrearty was arrested in front of his children.

"All I can say is that at this stage now is that it wasn't adequately considered at the time."

He dismissed testimony at the hearings from Mr McBrearty jnr that he was called a murderer by Sgt Hannigan during the garda operation.

"It's untrue. It's incorrect. I absolutely did not say that," he said. "I have several suspicions as to why he'd say that about me: dislike; trying to blacken me; make a complaint about me."

Mr McBrearty jnr gave evidence that Sgt Hannigan leaned into his car during the arrest and said to the children: "Do you know your daddy is a murderer?"

Sgt Hannigan said: "That is a most debased suggestion and something I wouldn't be capable of and something I didn't do."

He said the arrest was formal and proper, and no gardaí used any bad language or any mental or physical abuse at any stage during the operation.